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It’s my birthday! Hurrah! I think

Children love having birthdays. I quite enjoyed them myself until I got to about 30, then I went through a period of getting a bit grumpy about the whole birthday thing. But these days I don’t mind them at all. So far today:

Woke up with migraine that had been brewing up all night – boo

Husband presents me with a copy of Hilary Mantel’s Bring up the Bodies which I’ve been itching to read since it came out, but was waiting for the softback version – hurrah!

I have to go to work for half the day, and the office is freezing – boo

Finish with a meeting at our local friendly cafe, Pleasant Stores, and am treated to a veggie muffin – hurrah!

Jeans are feeling a bit tight and am reminded of urgency of nipping middle aged spread in the bud before I start looking like a veggie muffin – boo

Get home to find the lovely Charles Johnson at Obsessed with Pipework wants one of my poems for April 2013 issue – hurrah!

I see husband has hidden a bar of chocolate in the fridge for later – hurrah!

After popping the pink and yellow pills, migraine is now downgraded to mild headache – hurrah!

So overall a pretty good day. I might even try to write a poem.

Published inMags & BlogsSerendipitySubmissions

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  1. Congratulations on Obsessed with Pipework. I keep seeing that mentioned in poets’ biographies – must get hold of a copy – or is it an online magazine?

  2. Thanks Josephine, it’s a print publication, fairly modest in production quality but as you say, often mentioned – they say they like poems that take risks. I’ve had a couple in there in the past – I tend to send slightly oddball items that I’m happy with with but can’t imagine seeing in the more mainstream mags.

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