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Poems from the Old Hill


Jeremy Page at the Frogmore Press is producing an anthology of work by poets who live in Lewes called ‘Poems from the Old Hill’ (althought rumour has it that at least one contributor will have moved out of Lewes by the time it’s published – yikes!)

Very proud to say I have two poems in the collection and will be one of the readers at the Needlewriters launch event on October 4th (National Poetry Day) at the Needlemakers in Lewes. There are a frightening number of poets living in Lewes (John Agard & Grace Nichols live just opposite us) so it wasn’t a given that my offerings would make it into the anthology. Anyway, that’s the Christmas presents sorted out!


NB the picture above shows my street in Lewes, from a photo taken from a helicopter earlier this year.

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Robin Houghton 2024