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A triptych of poetry blogs

Triptych of poetry blogs

I love the way you can come across a poetry blog that’s new to you and then suddenly two more jump out – just like a row of Routemasters. So here’s the first of what may become a regular feature – a triptych of enjoyable poetry blogs. Let me know if you have any recommendations for future Triptychs.

Fuselit– the editors’ blog. Fuselit describes itself as half magazine, half collaborative art project – a London-based journal of poetry, short fiction, art and sounds. I remember sending off for their ‘Aquarium’ issue and was amazed at the package that arrived – not one, but two little hand-made booklets, a mini-disc of music and three micro fridge magnets of sea creatures. I would call it ‘charming’ if the word hadn’t been horribly corrupted. Anyway, do take a look. Plus there is a new spur word for submissions, FOSSIL. Great fun and many thanks Kirsten Irving et al.

Anthony Wilson – This was a ‘rediscovery’ – after reading Anthony’s touching tribute to Smith’s Knoll I realised I was already subscribed to this blog. Apart from his fascinating musings, super in-depth reviews, recordings of his poetry readings and other numerous projects (such as the ongoing Life Saving Poems) Anthony offers us a huge blogroll and rich resources list. Fantastic.

Kim Moore – I really like Kim’s natural tone of voice, I feel like we’re having a conversation when I read her blog posts. Her blog features anecdotes, readings, reviews, a Sunday ‘featured poem’ and MORE (sorry). I’d love to go on the writing weekend Kim’s currently promoting, in Cumbria, but it’s February half term and clashes with the recording my choir is making. Shame, because the poetry course sounds fab.

(PS I recently blogged about three other poetry blogs I enjoy, over at Blogging for Creatives.)

Published inMags & Blogs

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