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Ten Voice Stanza tonight…

It’s been a few months in the planning, so Jo and I are hoping we’ve thought of everything – ha ha!

If you’re in the area, do come along to Ten Voice Stanza – doors 7.30, starting at 8pm, ten members of Brighton Poetry Stanza reading their work, plus open mic opportunities. It’s at the Redroaster Coffee House on St James’s St in Brighton, an established poetry venue and very friendly.

Other members of the group who aren’t reading (there isn’t time for more than ten) will be helping out on the door, selling pamphlets etc, so it’s been a real team effort. I do hope we get a good turnout – I have a feeling it may be packed. Hope so! It will give everyone a buzz.

At the T S Eliot prize readings on Sunday Jacob Polley said ‘the last poetry reading I gave I was on between the choir singers and the cake raffle’. Poetry audiences are nearly always small. So the prospect of an audience is a fine thing (although 2,000 people in the Festival Hall might make one a tad wobbly). Fingers crossed!

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Robin Houghton 2024