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Just a quick one … typing is a tad painful having just seen the physio about my shoulder (impingement of the supraspinatus and subscapularis, in case you’re interested).

A few things I’m looking forward to this month:

Tomorrow at the Lewes Arms is the launch of  Margaret Wilmot’s Smith’s Knoll pamphlet ‘Sweet Coffee’ – should be a nice Lewes poetry event.

Monday 17th – Brighton Poetry Stanza workshopping group – although actually I can’t make it because I’m due to give a talk about blogging at New Writing South’s Tonbridge venue (time and venue tbd).

Friday 21st – Saturday 22nd – Britmums Live – the UK’s biggest bloggers’ conference, apparently (the people who run it aren’t british and I’m not a mum, but hey!) I’m making my ‘panel’ debut – always wanted to be on a panel! – and also giving a talk on blog design.

Thurs 27th – Needlewriters in Lewes – Clare Best & Sacha Dugdale – should be great.

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