Sorry for the silence lately, I’ve been under the weather and only today feeling a tad more human. Then there’s been all the Christmas stuff, you know what it’s like. Anyway, here’s a quick update for now:
No news yet from Ambit or Poetry Review, but I did make a submission to The London Magazine, a bit by mistake – someone I met in Wales told me about about a London-based mag that’s a great one to submit to, and for some reason I thought it was The London Magazine, but actually I think it was South Bank Poetry. But I couldn’t find a website for SBP, and before I knew it I was submitting to TLM, although I’ve never actually read it and to be honest it looks like quite a serious cultural mag. I’m not keen on making ‘drive-by’ submissions, but I had a couple of London-themed poems burning in a hole in my computer so I thought what the hell.
The Magma Poetry comp deadline is today, and although I wasn’t intending to enter, once more in an idle moment and after a glass of wine and in a feverish fug I only went and sent something. When will I ever learn?
As a distraction from the Waiting Game, I’ve also been thinking about poetry projects for 2014. A local group called the Needlewriters has recently recruited me to their committee to help with their quarterly events, and I’m getting my head around where I can add value. Then there’s the Brighton Stanza, which has grown in popularity but I now need to work with my ‘loose committee’ on how to preserve the serious workshopping element while still catering for those who just want to come along and share their poems.
I’ve also offered to compile a regular ‘poetry corner’ piece (working title!) for our community newspaper the Lewes News. No other publication round here publicises local poetry events, or promotes the work of the many wonderful poets in Lewes. So my plan is to redress the balance! We’ll see if that comes off: wish me luck.
Hope you’re feeling better. I love the photo! Great to hear of your news and good ideas. Very inspiring! I’m following all you do with interest 🙂
Thanks for commenting Josephine, and for your interest & support. Still on the Lemsip I’m afraid, but what can you do? 🙁