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UPDATED – List of poetry magazine submissions windows

**UPDATED 28-4-16 – new listings in red, with thanks to those who have contributed.**

Many UK poetry magazines have now adopted the ‘submissions window’ model, and it can be tricky to keep track. I’ve started making a note of these, and also those that welcome submissions all year round, and thought you might find it of interest. I may even keep it updated (but I can’t promise!)

It’s not an exhaustive list by any means – if you know the submissions details of others, please do add them in the comments – thanks. There’s quite a wide range of styles and tastes represented here – I’ll leave it to you to do the research as to whether your work will fit a particular publication – if you’re new to submitting I do recommend reading a copy first!

NB – the links take you directly to the relevant page about submissions (where possible) so you can check all the guidelines.

Acumen – open all year (thanks to Rebecca Gethin)

Ambit – February 1 – April 1 & Sept 1 – Nov 1

Butcher’s Dog – currently closed, keep an eye on website

Carillon – send any time

The Frogmore Papers –  April 1 – 30 & October 1 – 31

The Interpreter’s House – October, February & June

Orbis – submit any time (thanks to Aidan Baker)

Lunar Poetry – submit any time (thanks to Alice)

South Bank Poetry – submit any time (thanks to Peter Raynard)

Envoi –  February, May & October

Poems in Which – open all year (thanks to Peter Raynard)

Poetry Salzburg Review – submit any time

Poetry Scotland – submit any time

Poetry Wales – submit any time

Popshot – next window opens June 1st 2016

The High Window – currently open until July 31st 2016 (thanks to Peter Raynard)

Structo Magazine – unclear, but currently closed to submissions (thanks to Peter Raynard)

Gutter Magazine – window recently closed, keep an eye on website (thanks to Peter Raynard)

The Stinging Fly – window re-opens in the summer

Tender – unclear, keep any eye on website (Thanks to Fiona Larkin) – window just closed 22/4, sorry!

The London Magazine – submit any time

Long Poem Magazine – next submission month is June 2016 

New Welsh Review – unclear, but submissions currently open

New Walk Magazine – submit any time

Three magazines from Indigo Dreams:
Reach Poetry,  The Dawn Treader, Sarasvati – all open all year (thanks to Ronnie Goodyer)

Wasafiri – submit any time

Shearsman – March & September

Under the Radar – 14 March – 30 April,   14th July – 30 August, 14 Nov – 30 Dec

Bare Fiction – varies, sign up for the newsletter to be kept informed of deadlines (you also get a free PDF copy of Issue 1 when you sign up)

Agenda – varies, sign up for the newsletter to be kept informed of windows

Magma – deadlines at end of January, March & September. (They call them ‘contributions’ rather than ‘submissions’ which I rather like!)

Tears in the Fence – unclear, but open now

The North – unclear, but open now

Lighthouse – open all year but they have deadlines – connect on Facebook or Twitter to hear of them

Antiphon – submit any time

Ink Sweat & Tears – submit any time

Obsessed with Pipework – submit any time

The Poetry Review – submit any time

The Rialto – submit any time

Prole – submit any time

Brittle Star – submit any time

Poetry London – submit any time

The Moth – submit any time

PN Review – submit any time


Published inBlogMags & BlogsRoundupsSubmissions


    • Robin Houghton Robin Houghton

      You’re welcome Pam. Looks like this is a popular post, I’ll have to keep it updated now!

  1. Three other great magazines!
    Reach Poetry – Monthly: Submit any time
    The Dawntreader – Themed Quarterly: Submit any time
    Sarasvati – Quarterly: Submit any time

  2. This is really handy Robin – thanks for compiling!
    I don’t usually get round to submitting to journals as I’ve been in the habit of using a booklet free with writing magazine of competitions and just open it up at the end of each month, until I realised how much I’m spending each month entering all these comps so I think it’s time to start submitting to places that are free to submit to and that I enjoy reading! Thanks again! xx

    • Robin Houghton Robin Houghton

      Hi Penny, great to hear from you! Yes, the comp game can be a tad expensive, even if you do notch up the odd win (actually that makes it more addictive – ha ha!) It’s a great idea to support the journals, they tend to be run as a labour of love… 🙂

  3. Peter Raynard Peter Raynard

    This is great Robin. You are a star! You could add these ones:
    Poems in Which edited by Amy Key, Rebecca Perry, Alex Macdonald and others. Open year round. Issue 9 just out.
    The High Window just launched, open for Sept issue (deadline 31st July),
    Structo magazine: currently open,
    Gutter magazine: 17 April deadline for Issue 15,

    • Robin Houghton Robin Houghton

      Thanks for leaving comments, Cathy & Lucy, much appreciated.

  4. Adding my Thanks to the chorus! And I also like Magma’s use of ‘contributions’ rather than ‘submissions’ – not that I’ve managed to contribute for quite some time!

  5. _Orbis_ takes submissions at any time. Poets published in _Orbis_ are asked to hold back for a year before submitting any further work.

  6. Stephen Bone Stephen Bone

    Stepaway Magazine takes submissions at any time.
    Many thanks.

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