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Poem-a-day, Days 3 – 4

Dear Reader

For a minute I thought I was struggling already, but the Guardian came to the rescue, or rather whoever it was who posted a link on Facebook to this article, about stealing a line from an existing poem and using it as the basis for something of your own. 

I had Emily Dickinson on my mind after my last post, so picked up my Everyman Pocket Dickinson and had a skim through. But then I struggled with all that iambic tetrameter – Within my Garden rides a Bird A Chilly Peace infests the Grass, etc …it sucks you into dumdidum rhymes before you can help yourself, it’s like trying not to look at a road accident as you drive past. BUT, dear reader, I found a lovely line. And used it – not sure how lovely the rest of the poem is but I’ll return to it another time.

And then, since tomorrow is my wedding anniversary and sequestering myself away to write would be too rude, I even wrote tomorrow’s poem today! I am ahead of myself – hurrah!

Yours smugly,


PS best wishes for the weekend 🙂

Published inPoemsWriting

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  1. Delighted to hear that you’re sticking with your plan and I agree that the Guardian steal a first line challenge is a good one. I’m reducing my internet time this weekend – haven’t been on at all today till now (10pm) and this has helped me complete the first draft of a new poem I started about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve got further with another I’ve been working on for AGES. I plan on on doing more of the same tomorrow. Happy Anniversary and keep going.

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