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Harry Man’s ‘telesue’ from Lift

Harry Man Lift

Just as I was umming and ahhing about doing a video blog post in which I would read something from Harry Man’s pamphlet ‘Lift’ (tall-lighthouse), I learn that it’s been awarded the Bridges of Struga Prize – part of the award being translation into Macedonian – golly!

I’ve really enjoyed ‘Lift’ – not least of all for the sci-fi element – I’m not sure if that adequately describes it – futuristic? Intriguing? Fresh? Witty? Anyway, it’s just one of those collections I read and think ‘blimey, I wish I’d written that’. ‘Lift’ is Harry’s first pamphlet and I’m so pleased for him that it’s done so well.

Anyway, video is off today, so audio will have to do it. Here’s my reading of one of the quieter poems in ‘Lift’, the poignant ‘telesue’.

Published inaudioPamphletsPoems

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Robin Houghton 2024