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A short time out

Yes I know I’ve gone a bit quiet lately, and that’s because we are finally moving house. Oh and the small matter of a concert in a week’s time, on the same day as the Free Verse Poetry Book Fair, so my creative juices have been sucked dry on making posters and postcards, a 12 page programme, origami birds, sourcing 8 metres of black cotton fabric on eBay (don’t ask) while dealing with packing, booking parking suspensions for our movers, chasing up contracts and the like. There are lists of instructions to helpers and more lists for myself. And two mattresses still to drag to the dump on Sunday, after an all day rehearsal and a visit to Eastbourne Book Festival. And more packing.

BUT in about 10 days’ time service will resume as normal! And in the meantime I hope to see as many real and virtual poetry friends as possible at the Poetry Book Fair next weekend – please come and say hello at the Telltale table. We’re sharing space with the lovely Frogmore Press.

PS In case you were wondering about the origami birds:

Faire is the Heaven - Lewes Singers - Tourist Info Centre window

Published inBlogEvents


  1. charlottegann charlottegann

    Lovely origami, Robin! Good luck with the move. & Everything…. Cx

  2. Thanks C! I confess there were 3 of us, not all my handiwork. But I can now make a crane without having to refer to the instructions!

  3. How lovely. That is a life skill to treaure, being able to make a bird without instructions. I hope to see you on Saturday at Free Verse.

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Robin Houghton 2024