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Struggling a bit

Blogging and writing have been a bit off my radar lately as I am still struggling with a back problem which makes sitting or standing equally uncomfortable. But in brief:

  1. I’m still hoping to get my quarterly poetry magazine windows update out later this week. Thank you for all the suggestions gathered via Twitter and email. If you’re not on the emailing list and would like to be please let me know in the comments.
  2. I thought this was an interesting post on Frontier Poetry, in which editors talk about the business of selecting poems for publication.
  3. I’ve booked for, and am looking forward to Kim Moore’s Poetry Carousel in the Lakes in December (brrr!) after having heard glowing reports of these events from poet friend Judith.
  4. I’ve got 20 poems out to mags at the moment (some for over a year) so am probably due a few rejections soon, but who knows maybe the odd acceptance. I haven’t written anything new in a while so whatever comes back will probably go out fairly promptly once I’ve done my usual “is it actually crap?” assessment.

That’s all for now folks – off to the physio shortly so am trying to stay positive! I hope you’re well, and writing, and enjoying the (coolish) summer. Here’s a funny thing I saw recently in Alfriston – compare your height to those of various writers. I’m somewhere in between Will Shakespeare and Virginia Woolf.

heights of writers

Published inAngstBlogRoundups


  1. Diana Brighouse Diana Brighouse

    I hope the physio helps – having a bad back certainly distracts from creative thinking and any sort of work at the computer. Good luck, and fingers crossed for a flurry of acceptances to boost your spirits!

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Robin Houghton 2024