Every now and then, poet friend Jo generously offers up her lovely, sunny top floor for a few of us to have a poetry day. On Saturday there were four of us, the smallest group we’ve had so far, but it was lovely – we all brought along whatever we are reading at the moment, or a favourite poem to share, as well as a couple of our own poems to workshop. It’s really nice to have this kind of time and space to talk poetry, find out more about what each of us is up to, is planning to do or write, what we’re getting published and where, have the odd moan (!) about this and that. I always come away energised and hopeful, and thankful for the friendship and support.

Sounds perfect, a perfect poetry group. The only thing i can identify in your photograph is Sinead Morrissey’s ‘Through the Square Window’ (one of my tutors on an Arvon course)..
Hi – yes we had a good selection of material including copies of latest editions of Agenda, The Rialto, Magma & Poetry Wales, and the ‘Best of British Poetry 2012’ and ‘Best of American Poetry 2012′ plus various poets’ collections.