Quick writing update

This is probably displacement activity, as I should be working on the book which I have until Easter to write. Yikes! Quick update on a few things.

Poetry writing is currently going through a dry patch. I missed out on my Mimi Khalvati fix at the weekend as I was under the weather, but did have a good Stanza meeting on Monday night and the first of our ‘small group’ workshops is next week, so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve been digging around my archive of unfinished and ‘in need of work’ poems, of which there are A LOT. One or two I’ve actually managed to re-write, and as I’ve not got much out in the pipeline at the moment I sent a few things out quickly before I changed my mind.

I’m trying Ambit again … surely they can’t still be holding against me that incident at the Betsey Trotwood in 2012 …?

I had another rejection from Poetry Review … still plugging away!

A couple of new RED ALERT cautions that are currently top of mind – on Monday the redoubtable Antony Mair warned of the ‘portentous last line’ – and of course I knew exactly what he meant as I’ve been GUILTY of said practice more than once! Then today I was reading an interview with Rob Spillman, editor of US magazine Tin House, who was complaining about how too many submissions ‘lack engagement with real world issues… there’s a stunning amount of navel-gazing with tiny emotional epiphanies.’ Ouch! Be gone from my poems, o tiny emotional epiphanies!

Meanwhile, talented illustrator Hannah Clare has come up with a striking design for the cover of my pamphlet. I have a week or so before the ISBN numbers come through, which is when I can create the barcode and finish off the rest of the cover. At the moment there are 13 poems in the pamphlet but one of them I’m still not sure about, so it may end up being 12. Probably a luckier number.  All very exciting!!

And now…back to the writing that actually pays!


    1. Hi Jennifer, you mean to submit to Bloodaxe? Highly regarded indeed – I’m still at the lowly stage of submitting to magazines, so unlikely to be of interest to the big name publishers. Plus I’m nowhere near a full collection. One day maybe!!

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