Heavenly Bodies, Starry Night

heavenly bodies anthology

I admit Don McLean’s Vincent was one of my inspirations when it came to writing about a constellation – that and the challenge of writing a poem about stars without the word ‘star’ appearing in it.

It’s now part of an anthology of 88 poems (representing all the known/named constellations) and I’m dead chuffed to be a part of it. Big thanks to Rebecca Bilkau for pulling such a big project together, via Facebook, and to David Borrott (who I met on the Ty Newydd masterclass last year) for alerting me to the call for submissions. My copies arrived last week and it’s been fascinating to read the poems and see the very different routes people have taken with the theme. I’m not sure if it’s available to buy online yet but I have a couple of spare copies so I may do a giveaway, watch this space (so to speak).

There are some pretty cheesy versions of Vincent on YouTube but I don’t think you can beat this lovely live rendition from 1972:


  1. Thanks Antony. Yes, perhaps ‘dry year’ sounds churlish. Apologies. I’m very grateful for all the opportunities – sometimes I am hit by the ‘envy’ stick and need to snap out of it!

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