December at last! And the submissions list update…

So, I made it to December without a drop of alcohol passing my lips! I hope you are impressed, because I am.

Today I’ve been updating the spreadsheet of Poetry Magazine Submissions Windows, hoping to email it out today but now it looks like tomorrow. I’ve had to drag my website into 2019 in various ways and that plus visiting all the magazines’ sites and figuring out if they are actually open for submissions or not has rather exhausted me. But I’m enjoying my first sip of wine in a month. Can you tell?

Actually if you have any poems on the theme of ‘mystery’ and if you’re quick you could still submit to Popshot, whose window closes tomorrow at 9am (before the list is due to go out) – go on! In fact, why am I not sending them something right now, instead of writing this blog post??

In other news, I’ve finally added a ‘shop’ to my website, which means if any lovely person wishes to buy any of my pamphlets, including the new one from Live Canon, they can do so on my website – who knew!?

PS a quick shout out for Heather Walker’s blog – she’s been posting (pretty much) every day in November and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. It was down to her that I not only decided to go see the Antony Gormley exhibition at the Royal Academy, but decided to re-join as a Friend. There’s something very meditative about reading a daily blog. It kind of lets you in on the rhythm of a person’s life. From the blogger’s point of view you don’t have to do worry about whether it’s interesting enough, because writing something every day is interesting in itself. And for the reader, following the day-to-day of another person’s life feels somehow reassuring.

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