Yesterday I sent out the latest update to the magazines subs list, which if you’re on my mailing list you should have received, so let me know if not.
There are now 112 journals (print and online) on the spreadsheet – but of course I’m always open to suggestions of more to include. The spreadsheet contains all the magazine names, publishing frequency, submission page URLs, submissions window dates, how many poems to send and other criteria. I’ve also now replaced all those way-too-long submission page URLs with TinyURLs which means you can click straight through – no more broken links or cutting & pasting.
If you’ve subscribed since yesterday, I’ll be doing another mailout later today so you’ll get it then. If you know anyone who might find the info useful, please tell them to sign up today and they’ll catch the next mailout. The sign-up form is on this page.
Meanwhile, thank you to those of you interested in the free copy of Tamar Yoseloff’s Formerly – I put all the names in a bag and Nick drew out the winner, none other than…. Peter Raynard – nice one, Peter, and commiserations to everyone else.
Fundraising for The Trussell Trust – latest
I’ve been pledging £1 from the sale of each copy of my latest pamphlet WHY? to the Trussell Trust (working to end UK hunger) and today I was able to make a donation of £30. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this. The pledge is ongoing if you haven’t ordered the pamphlet yet 🙂
More good news
It’s March. Spring can’t be far off, can it?
Kindly add me to your mailing list – thank you!
Please add me to your mailing list. Many thanks.
Hi Claire, have done – you should get a confirmation email, when you click on that you’ll get the link to the latest spreadsheet. All best, Robin
Hi Robin,
Could you add me to yout mailing list please?
Best wishes,
John Short
Hi John, I’ve added you via the webform, you just need to respond to the email – thanks!