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Poetry Magazines Submissions Windows list updated

It’s out – the latest list of UK & Irish poetry magazines with their URLs, submission windows info and other stuff.

There are now over 120 magazines/journals on the list, and quite a few are open now, so get sending!

If you’re on my email list to receive these quarterly updates, you should have heard from me yesterday.

If you’re not, but would like to be, please sign up here (a new landing page – woohoo!)


Many editors are under pressure right now – homeschooling kids, self-isolating, caring for others and so forth. If you’re able to, please consider subscribing to some of these journals. That gets expensive of course, but you could always subscribe to (say) two journals this year, and then two different ones the next year, etc, in a rotation (which is what I do). Or even ordering a single issue helps both the magazine’s finances and your chances of sending them something they’ll want to publish. Thanks a million.

Published inBlogMags & BlogsSubmissions

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Robin Houghton 2024