On a literary education (or lack of), dealing with the social media hate-storms, etc

Is it the end of June already? I wonder how you’re getting on. Well, I hope. If you need a shot of positivity, I find Wee Granny still helps… Reading matter Recently arrived in the post: two anthologies and issue #3 of Finished Creatures magazine. Finished Creatures was having not one but two online launches,Read more ⟶

Getting all Elizabethan, new writing and emerging from the gloom

I’m not sure what it’s taken but I’ve started writing again. Not a great outpouring, but something. Maybe it’s been the eclectic reading I’ve been doing. As well as Mary Jean Chan’s Flèche (Faber, 2019), I’ve read my way through Jean Sprackland’s Green Noise (Cape, 2018), and am enjoying dipping in and out of Darling (Bloodaxe, 2007),Read more ⟶

Poetry Magazines Submissions Windows list updated

It’s out – the latest list of UK & Irish poetry magazines with their URLs, submission windows info and other stuff. There are now over 120 magazines/journals on the list, and quite a few are open now, so get sending! If you’re on my email list to receive these quarterly updates, you should have heardRead more ⟶