After the excitement of having my site invaded last week, and the subsequent tsunami of ‘new posts’ about ‘how to make a salad’ or ‘best value beanies’ etc (could have been a lot worse I suppose), I thought I ought to write a genuine post if nothing else to check whether I still have anyRead more ⟶
Month: January 2021
I do apologise for the spammy ‘post notifications’ that just went out. It seems my blog was targeted by something nasty. I hope that won’t make you want to unsubscribe. I think the issue is over now. Ugh! best wishes Robin
On Literary Envy – revisiting an old blog post
I was reminded recently why I left Facebook some years ago. Things were getting too toxic for my liking, and I was a bit fed up with endless promotions and self-bigging-up. So I revisited a post I wrote for Anthony Wilson’s blog back in 2015, and as I still stand by it, I thought I’dRead more ⟶
Readings this coming week, Planet Poetry & Uni stuff
Today feels like a desk-work day even though the sun is shining outside – we did go for a long walk on the Downs yesterday and I always need a day to recover after sustained exercise, although of course I have to keep up my Yoga with Adriene sessions! It was cold and frosty upRead more ⟶