Mammoth list of literary journals

Worth bookmarking – the Poets & Writers database of lit mags (litmagz?) Salivate over this if you dare – “listings for 977 journals, providing details about the kind of work sought, authors previously published, submission guidelines, payment policies, tips from the editors, and more” WOW – nearly a thousand mags?? Why does this kind of listRead more ⟶

The pamphlet is here, hurrah!

Just taken delivery today of my new short pamphlet, The Great Vowel Shift. I’m very pleased with how it looks, and feeling kind of freed up to focus now on new writing. If you’re so inclined, you can buy a copy here … just £4 plus 50p postage. Bargain! And signed by the poet!! ThanksRead more ⟶

So bad they rejected it twice

Just raising my head above the parapet to report that I’m about 20k words into my book and now at the point where I have to start printing pages off and going through everything with post-its, before I lose my many threads. It’s amazing how I can be convinced I’ve already covered something, or filedRead more ⟶

Quick writing update

This is probably displacement activity, as I should be working on the book which I have until Easter to write. Yikes! Quick update on a few things. Poetry writing is currently going through a dry patch. I missed out on my Mimi Khalvati fix at the weekend as I was under the weather, but didRead more ⟶

Publish and be damned

Call it ‘self-publishing’ if you will, call it an unhealthy desperation, frustration or whatever –  I’m not sure exactly what my prime motivation is but it feels good to be taking charge! Here’s what’s happened …. I have named my new poetry press. I’ve named my pamphlet. I’ve (almost) decided on the content and order,Read more ⟶

On Heavenly Bodies and feeling empowered

A few interesting things on the go at the moment. ‘Heavenly Bodies’ which I wrote about last week is gathering momentum, and there’s talk on Facebook of having a launch in Preston, or somewhere points North, which will mean I’ll have to miss it, alas. Anyway, at least I’ve written my ‘constellation’ poem, although IRead more ⟶

Links to useful poetry resources (publishers, magazines, competitions etc)

I thought I’d post some links to poetry resources I’ve been bookmarking. I’m sure these are just the tip of the iceberg so if you know of anything similar to add to this list please let me know in a comment – thanks. These are mostly UK but I’ve included one good US resource also.Read more ⟶

A day at the (Poetry Book) Fair

Having answered a call for volunteers on Facebook, I found myself yesterday at Conway Hall in London, donning a blue badge and helping out at the Free Verse: Poetry Book Fair. Organised by Chrissy Williams and CB Editions, with a lot of help also from Joey Connolly, the Fair is in its third year andRead more ⟶

BlueGate Poets Anthology

  Swindon is a hotbed of poetry! I actually live 130 miles from there, but this year I’ve been drawn into its orbit and am very pleased to be a member of BlueGate Poets. Founded in 2008 by the extraordinary and indefatigable writer and arts event organiser Hilda Sheehan, BlueGate Poets hosts events, readings, workshopsRead more ⟶

Another three great poetry blogs

Thought it was about time I shared a few more blogs, one I’ve been following for a while and two that have come to my attention just recently. I’ve particularly been enjoying Clare Pollard‘s ‘poetic journeys’ – most recently through Kent, from Broadstairs and Margate to Canterbury and one of my favourite places, Dungeness. TheRead more ⟶