On feeding The Lake

The spreadsheet of poetry magazines is forever growing, albeit slowly. Even though I’m adding perhaps eight to ten titles each quarter, there are those I have to delete. This is usually because they’ve stopped publishing; quite a few mags were set up hurriedly during the pandemic and never really got off the ground. Others haveRead more ⟶

Poetry Magazines submissions windows update

If you’re already on my mailing list for poetry magazines submissions information, you’ll be getting an email in the next day or so with a reminder about opportunities closing at the end of this month. Then the newly updated spreadsheet will be on its way to you midweek. If you’re not on the list, now’sRead more ⟶

The updated poetry magazines submissions spreadsheet and my 1,000th subscriber

Stats are funny old things. Stats, data, whatever you want to call it. On their own of course, or deprived of context, they can be pretty meaningless, unless it’s a simple, one-dimensional calculation, like ‘this is my 609th post on this blog’. I just had to look that up – shame I missed the 600th,Read more ⟶

On over-exposure and other poetry ups and downs

It’s been a busy few weeks. To tell the truth, I’m feeling a little over-exposed. You know how annoying it is: Poet X has just launched this, then it’s announced they’re going to be judging some competition or other, then someone has just interviewed them or whatever and you just think I’ve had enough ofRead more ⟶

Updated – UK poetry mags submissions info

Things move quickly in the magazine world so I thought I would update my spreadsheet quarterly. This is the list of UK poetry magazines with live links to the submissions pages, details of submissions windows and general guidelines as published on their websites. As ever, I can’t claim it’s fully comprehensive, so feel free toRead more ⟶