Magazine focus: Rattle

I (oh no, starting a blog post again with ‘I’) was just thinking it would be fun to occasionally feature a specific poetry magazine: mention what I like about it, give a flavour of what’s in it, fill you in on their submissions policy etc. I’m currently a tad stressed. First I’m trying to stayRead more ⟶

Getting poetry out there

As I sit down with a cup of tea in my favourite mug (pictured above – just an excuse to feature it, really! I inherited it from my mum, it used to be one of pair but the other got broken, and I’m so attached to this one I dread anything happening to it. It’sRead more ⟶

Margaret Wilmot pamphlet launch

What a lovely relaxed evening we had yesterday at the Lewes Arms for the launch of Margaret Wilmot’s Smiths Knoll pamphlet Sweet Coffee. The upstairs room at the Arms is fairly intimate – I’ve seen it packed once or twice on Lewes Poetry nights when there’s been a big name draw, but on the wholeRead more ⟶

Upcoming events

Just a quick one … typing is a tad painful having just seen the physio about my shoulder (impingement of the supraspinatus and subscapularis, in case you’re interested). A few things I’m looking forward to this month: Tomorrow at the Lewes Arms is the launch of  Margaret Wilmot’s Smith’s Knoll pamphlet ‘Sweet Coffee’ – shouldRead more ⟶

First ‘Poetry Unplugged’ experience

So much for my resolve to get out and do more readings/open mics this year. I haven’t yet plucked up the courage to tackle the Troubadour, although to be honest it’s partly the thought of making my way there (actually it’s the getting back from west London –  late at night – a mission withRead more ⟶

Poetry writers and poetry readers – a tricky issue

It was a small turnout last night at our Stanza reading group in Brighton – just Miriam, Gary and myself! Of course there are all sorts of reasons why that might have been – the first time it has clashed with a sunny evening, plus there’s been some confusion about the start time and contentRead more ⟶

Where my poetry pocket money has been going

June 3rd and I think I’ve already blown my poetry pocket money for this month. First of all I’ve subscribed to Poetry London which I’ve been meaning to do for ages, and I asked to start with the Spring 13 issue, which has resulted in both Spring and Summer issues arriving within days of eachRead more ⟶