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Making the most of Twitter lists (from Social Media for Writers blog)

This is the second of my re-blogs while I’m on my hols and trying to take a break from the internet! My ‘Social Media for Writers’ blog has many useful articles on it but I’ve never gotten around to promoting it much, which is a bit of a waste, and I’m not proud of the admission!

Please do still leave comments, which I love reading, although I won’t be able to reply immediately.

Something that came up briefly at the ‘Making Poetry Work’ event at the Poetry Cafe recently was Twitter lists. There are many great uses for lists on Twitter, and I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s really making the most of them – I think they’re one of Twitter’s best-kept secrets!

So here are some tips – Are you making the most of Twitter lists? 


Published inBlogBloggingSocial mediaWriter platform

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  1. Thanks for this Robin. I’ve been vaguely aware of Twitter lists for a while, and had been meaning to set a few lists up, so this is very useful. I hadn’t realised you can subscribe to other people’s lists, nor that lists can be private or public. Hope you’re enjoying your hols!

  2. Hi Hilaire! Thank you .. back from hols and trying to catch up. Normal (?) service soon to be resumed. Good to hear you enjoyed this post.

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Robin Houghton 2024