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Quick 2016 submissions stats overview

I have a much longer ‘end of year’ post lined up but for now I thought I’d post a quick subs update for this year.

40 poems submitted to 11 magazines: 33 declined, 7 accepted (17.5%) by 5 magazines.

7 poems entered for competitions: 1 x 2nd place, 6 x ducks.

2 x poems included in anthologies (invitation/non competitive, both new poems).

2 x poems included in anthologies (competitive, both previously published poems).

3 x pamphlet submissions:  1 shortlisted (last 20), 3 declined.

Currently out: 6 to competitions, 7 to magazines (of which 7 are resubs and 5 new).

As I suspected, I’ve sent out significantly fewer poems in 2016 than in previous years. But checking back on 2015 I also see that several of the ‘declined’ or unplaced poems have subsequently been published elsewhere (6 of the 23 poems submitted to competitions and 9 of those declined by magazines).

There are many reasons for the low send rate, not just laziness (although that comes into it): illness, confidence ebbing as certain poems I was sure about have been continually rejected, and not writing enough decent new material.  I’m planning to do better in 2017 though – I’ve already lined up for myself a ‘start a poem a day’ in January and am going to permit myself writing time rather than snatch it guiltily when there’s nothing else I ‘ought’ to be doing.

I’m always interested in other people’s stats – I’m aware some people send out MUCH more than me, and others who scarcely send out at all. Do use the comments box to share your own experience if you’d like to.

Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS of course – thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I wish you joy, health & peace.

Published inBlogCompetitionsMags & BlogsRejectionsRoundupsSubmissions


  1. Melanie Branton Melanie Branton

    I can’t cite my exact stats, as my recordkeeping is much poorer than yours (mainly because I aim to forget my [many] rejections as soon as possible!) , but I’ve had 15 poems accepted by a total of 6 journals or ezines, most of them only after they had been rejected by 1-5 other journals first. 5 poems submitted to competitions, 0 successfully.

    But mainly I just wanted to say I really appreciate you sharing your stats – I’m a much less good and much less established poet than you and it’s helped me a lot to know I’m not the only person who gets rejections and that it’s not actually as easy for everyone else as most poets make it seem on Facebook! Thank you x

    • Robin Houghton Robin Houghton

      Hi Melanie, thanks so much for sharing your stats and for your kind words. I’m with you on the Facebook thing, as I’ll be talking about in my next post 🙂

    • Robin Houghton Robin Houghton

      Thank for sharing & commenting Giles, and a happy Christmas to you too 🙂

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