UK Poetry Magazines Submissions Windows – updated

poetry rejections

It’s ‘back to school’, and back to the submissions, folks … I’ve been updating my list and am just awaiting a couple of responses from magazine editors I’ve queried about their submissions windows.

SO, what’s new?

The list now contains detail of over 70 journals, of which:

NEW journals added this month: 6

Those with updated details: 23

Those with windows open now, some closing quite soon:Β  22

Those currently closed but opening in either October or November: Β 11

Those which welcome submissions at any time: 24

As ever, I’m grateful to people for telling me about amends, additions and so forth.

I’ll be sending it out tomorrow latest, as a PDF with clickable links to the submissions pages of each magazine’s website.

If you’re not on the emailing list for this and would like to be, either tell me in the comments below or drop me a line – robin at robinhoughtonpoetry dot co dot uk.

Happy submitting!


  1. Hi Robin,
    I’m on your mailing list but I don’t seem to have access to the update anywhere. I’d very much like to be on that list, please.
    Best wishes,

    1. What Robin said, Cathy πŸ˜‰
      “I’ll be sending it out tomorrow latest, as a PDF with clickable links to the submissions pages of each magazine’s website”

  2. Dear Robin, I’ve just discovered your lively and insightful blog, thanks for posting and for including me on your mailing list. Please add me to your distribution of the new Spreadsheet.
    Best wishes, Tessa

  3. Hi Robin,

    Would be grateful if you could add me to your mailing list for submission windows updates please .

    Best wishes,


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