Updated – poetry magazine submissions windows

It’s December which means I’m updating the list of magazine submissions windows.

If you ordered A Guide to Getting Published in UK Poetry Magazines then you should have received a version of the list which I updated last month (if you didn’t get the list then I apologise – but this latest version should be coming to you today or tomorrow).

If the last list you received was dated September, then here’s what’s new since then:

The list now contains detail of over 80 journals.

  • NEW journals added: 11
  • Journals with updated information: 26
  • Those with windows open now, some closing quite soon:  15*
  • Those currently closed but opening either later this month or in January:  6 
  • Those which welcome submissions at any time: 32

*I would draw your attention to Popshot which closes tomorrow 4th December, also Magma closing on the 8th and Modern Poetry in Translation on 14th.

Also, Ink Sweat & Tears is once again running a ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ call for submissions which is open NOW but closing on 9th December.

A new magazine launching in the Spring, Finished Creatures, opens for submissions next Monday 10th December.

As ever, I’m grateful to people for telling me about amends, additions and so forth.

I’ll be sending it out shortly, as a PDF with clickable links to the submissions pages of each magazine’s website.

This is a free service. If you’re not on the emailing list for quarterly updates and would like to be, either tell me in the comments below or drop me a line – robin at robinhoughtonpoetry dot co dot uk.

A Guide to Getting Published in UK Poetry Magazines by Robin Houghton

A Guide to Getting Published in UK Poetry Magazines

A great companion to the quarterly updated list. The first print run sold out in ten days!

It’s now back in stock, so visit this page to read all about it, including testimonials, and buy for £5 (postage free within in the UK). 


  1. I’ve just ordered the print edition and would like to be added to the emailed updates list. Many thanks.

  2. Hello Robin

    Happy New Year! Please could you add me to the list for quarterly updates. Having found out about your ‘pamphlet’, as you are calling it, through ‘The Poetry Shed’ I have just ordered your guide – thank you so much for creating it. Having written since 12 years old, I’ve never even attempted a submission. Your candid approach to the dreaded (mine) ‘rejection’ created a ‘get over yourself’ response in myself, & I thought to let you know : because your openness, opened possibility, in a complete stranger, & one totally at remove from you in physical space. I feel the gift of your offering, out to the ether, that random people, such as myself, receive, is honoured by the gift of response. So thank you & may the knowledge of the positive effect of your sharing, bring a reciprocal smile for thee!

    Best wishes for your 2019

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Kerry-Ann! Thanks for your lovely comment which has indeed brought a small to my face! The book is on its way, thank you for ordering it and I wish you the best of luck with your submissions.

    1. Than k you Ama, the book will be with you shortly and you are definitely on the list for updates 🙂

    1. Hi Moira, of course – I’ve added you to the list and will send you the current version.

  3. Hello Robin,

    Please could you add me to the list for quarterly updates. I have just ordered your pamphlet.

    Thank you

  4. Can’t remember if I’ve already requested quarterly updates of the fantastically helpful spreadsheet. The Saison Poetry Library should take a leaf or two out of this website’s page . . .

    1. Thank you Kevin – I’ll make sure you’re on the list – next update end of this month…

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