Coming soon!

It’s suddenly all happening. The Mayday Diaries from Pindrop Press launches on 1st May (oh yeah!) and the countdown has begun! Negative thoughts: I’m reminded that I should have started thinking about promoting the book ages ago. Probably need help. Positive thoughts: The marketing cap is back on, I’m reviewing my websites and socials andRead more ⟶

Stop the GDPR madness! Small poetry presses & arts organisations please read

This isn’t the usual subject for my blog. I try not to mix (marketing) business with (poetry) pleasure. But as the emails about GDPR intensify I’ve decided I have to say something – in the hope that it might prevent even one small, underfunded, hardworking, non-profit poetry press or community writers’ group from the suicidalRead more ⟶

What makes you buy (poetry)?

First, a little story about sales. My first ever job was as a Saturday girl in the Lilley & Skinner shoe shop on London’s Oxford Street. I remember one of my first ‘training’ sessions with the supervisor, in which he told each of us our sales targets for shoes, matching handbags and ‘sundries’ – everythingRead more ⟶

These poems will make you rich/attractive/understand the off-side rule

Lots to think about in this post from Todd Swift, in which he ponders on how to sell poetry, or rather poetry books … he says people only buy stuff that’s going to either inform/advise them about something, or provide entertainment/escapism, and that poetry does ‘neither exactly’. In the comments, someone points out “that’s whyRead more ⟶