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Submissions windows open & poetry competition deadlines


Just checking which magazines have re-opened their windows (must’ve been hot in there) and have found the following:

The Stinging Fly is open until Aug 31st (postal submissions) or Sept 4 (via Submittable).

Agenda appears to have been open since June 1st – the website says it’s still open, so jump in quickly!

Ambit has been open for poetry submissions from August 1st, window closes October 1st.

Under the Radar will be re-opening Sept 14th and closing October 30th. (This is a change to what I reported previously).

For a list of some UK magazines which are open to submissions all year, see my April post.

Competition deadlines coming up

Attention all compers: there are some opportunities to look at here – click on the relevant link to go to the page with more info. All details are provided in good faith, but I can’t guarantee I’ve got them all correct – please go to the competition page to check and to read the rules, cut off dates etc.

Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival  (a new one on me) – judge Alison Brackenbury, first prize is £600. Entry fee £5 for the first poem, £3 thereafter. Deadline 3rd September.

Primers Vol 2 – publication & mentoring is the prize on offer to 3 poets. Final long and shortlists are decided by Jane Commane & Jacob Sam La Rose after initial sifting. £15 entry for 6 poems. I was ‘long listed’ for this last year, so may have another stab at it. Deadline 4th September.

The Poetry Society’s Stanza Competition – open to Poetry Society members who are also members of a PS Stanza. Judged by Ros Barber, the theme is ‘Silence’. There’s no dough on offer here but plenty of kudos. I was thrilled to bag it in 2014. Yes, comps CAN be won! Deadline 12th September.

Live Canon Poetry Competition – judge Lorraine Mariner, first prize £1,000. Entry fee £6 for a single poem, £15 for three. Deadline 12th September.

The Manchester Poetry Prize – judges Sarah Howe, Helen Mort & Adam O’Riordan. £10,000 prize for the best portfolio of three to five poems (maximum combined length: 120 lines) Entry fee £17.50. This is one of the big prizes and (dare I say it) a tad prestigious. Go for it. Deadline 23rd September.

If you enter any of these comps and win – remember we all want to know about it here! 

One thought on “Submissions windows open & poetry competition deadlines

  1. Thanks for this Robin. Can I also give a quick plug for the Fire River Poets competition – closing date 31st October – to be judged by Alison Brackenbury who will read all the poems. Check website for details:

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