My 2019 submissions: successes & fails | poetry blog

One of the things about statistics is you can present them is whatever light you wish: draw attention to this rather than that, show a percentage of X rather than Y because it looks more impressive, leave stuff out willy-nilly because most of your audience won’t know what it is you’re not declaring. Pick upRead more ⟶

Ah! The business of poetry blogging

Oh no! It’s been a few weeks since my last post, and yet Matthew Stewart has still generously kept me on his list of ‘Best UK Poetry Blogs of 2019’. Matthew observes that 2019 was ‘far from being a vintage year’ for blogging, and his suggestions of why this might be are interesting: keeping a blogRead more ⟶

December at last! And the submissions list update…

So, I made it to December without a drop of alcohol passing my lips! I hope you are impressed, because I am. Today I’ve been updating the spreadsheet of Poetry Magazine Submissions Windows, hoping to email it out today but now it looks like tomorrow. I’ve had to drag my website into 2019 in variousRead more ⟶