Subs, poddie, choirs & a greenhouse

When you login to your blog and see there are 16 updates required it can only mean one thing  – it’s been a bit neglected! So here’s a somewhat belated update… The podcast is nearing the end of its fourth season! When it comes to the home stretch Peter and I tend to get aRead more ⟶

On a literary education (or lack of), dealing with the social media hate-storms, etc

Is it the end of June already? I wonder how you’re getting on. Well, I hope. If you need a shot of positivity, I find Wee Granny still helps… Reading matter Recently arrived in the post: two anthologies and issue #3 of Finished Creatures magazine. Finished Creatures was having not one but two online launches,Read more ⟶

At least Spring isn’t cancelled

There’s something about the sun coming out that puts a positive spin on everything. I’ve even taken to going for a bit of a jog on the seafront. With gym and swim off the agenda we are still fortunate to be able to get up and run/walk. Thank goodness that’s still allowed. I have aRead more ⟶