Some poetry magazine submissions windows now open

For behold! Some windows are now opening, namely… Agenda – opens today, June 1st – with the promise of a 12 week turnaround time. Submit by email only. Bare Fiction – submit now for Issue 8, deadline 10th July. Popshot – is announcing its theme for the next issue tomorrow (June 2nd) Long Poem MagazineRead more ⟶

An acceptance, a talk and workshop news

I haven’t had a poem accepted for a while so it was very nice to hear from Jeremy Page at The Frogmore Papers to say he’d like to take one for issue 82 in the autumn. Hurrah! (I also had some other good news last week but more about that shortly.) And now I’d likeRead more ⟶

River Ouse, Rodmell, 1941

The first she prises out, clenched in bindweed: reluctance adds to its appeal. And there: not so large as to burst pockets, several flints conspire their surfaces glass-perfect, all the better to slip in without fuss. From mud, she frees a stump of the fat chalk Down walked each day, as worn as the worstedRead more ⟶