Some poetry magazine submissions windows now open

For behold! Some windows are now opening, namely… Agenda – opens today, June 1st – with the promise of a 12 week turnaround time. Submit by email only. Bare Fiction – submit now for Issue 8, deadline 10th July. Popshot – is announcing its theme for the next issue tomorrow (June 2nd) Long Poem MagazineRead more ⟶

Bare Fiction, Marion Tracy’s new book & other news

It’s gone a bit quiet here as I’ve been preoccupied with all sorts of things – our new flat is taking shape, so I’ve been spending time choosing paint colours, painting, filling, putting putty into windows and all kinds of decorating jobs. There are tons of boxes all over the place, and the thing youRead more ⟶

The rejections behind poem acceptances

Apparently I’m well known for broadcasting my rejections, but that’s no reason not to tell of the acceptances. Just when I was thinking I’d lost my way (the second half of 2015 was particularly bleak in terms of one rejection after another) some poems have come good. Specifically: a poem forthcoming in Poetry News, another inRead more ⟶

Stanza Reps & Reading at Keats House

Last Wednesday I spent a good part of the day at Keats House in London – in the afternoon meeting with around 35 or so Stanza Reps from around the country and beyond, then the evening AGM where I’d been invited to read. Even as I write that I find it slightly unreal. But it did actuallyRead more ⟶