Submissions update

Good news and bad news!

Quick update first of all to my October ‘working on, waiting on’ post: Poetry London – standard rejection slip. Shearsman – standard rejection email. The North – a very nice personal reply, but no. Envoi – yes (yay!).

I’ve also just heard that The Interpreter’s House (now edited by Martin Malone and with a shiny new website amongst other things) is taking one of the poems I wrote at Ty Newydd, which I’m very pleased about. It’s a bit of an homage to Ian Duhig. Martin also leaps right to the top of the ‘speed of response’ chart, having replied within a few days. Douze points!

After a sending spree I’ve currently got 6 poems out to Ambit, 3 to Antiphon, 3 to Lighthouse and 3 to Poetry Review. Plus a number of pamphlet submissions. Will post updates to all this as and when.


  1. I’ve just read your post about Ty Newydd, as I’m going there myself in a weeks time, to do the ‘Writing in Healtha nd Social Care’ course. And I know Jenny Lewis as a wonderful tutor!

    I’m impressed by the number of your submissions. I shall have to kick myself up the proverbial….

    1. Haha! Well the best way to deal with a rejection I find is to always have something ‘out there’… Thanks for commenting, hope you have a good time at Ty Newydd. It’s certainly a special place.

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