Tips for choosing a Theme (from Social Media for Writers Blog)

While I’m on my hols I’m re-posting one or two articles from my ‘Social Media for Writers’ blog in case they are of interest. I’ve promised myself to stay off the grid while we’re away, so please do still leave comments, which I love reading, although I won’t be able to reply immediately. Here are myRead more ⟶

The Reading List, week 3

Things have gone a tad pear-shaped these last 2 weeks and I’ve managed to read only 3 books –but I have various excuses, ranging from (ahem!) work, getting ready for our holiday (imminent), selling our house (exchange of contracts WE HOPE imminent), flat-hunting for new flat to replace the one we had to pull outRead more ⟶

‘Making Poetry Work’ at the Poetry Cafe

Yesterday evening I was at the Poetry Cafe for a Poetry Society/Society of Authors event called ‘Making Poetry Work’, billed as a discussion about the ‘business’ of poetry. Being a member of both organisations I felt drawn to it – plus of course I have an interest in the business of poetry in the shape ofRead more ⟶

Some news about submissions, latest Telltale pamphlet

I see it’s been ages since I gave an update on submissions and what not. And it’s also been a while since I talked much on this blog about what I’m up to outside of my ‘read a poetry book a day’ challenge. So here goes. Submissions I recently had a poem accepted for aRead more ⟶

The Reading List, week 2

The weather has been so good lately it’s tempting to go out for a walk (or a pub lunch!) rather than read. But I’m enjoying the discipline – I find last thing at night and first thing in the morning are good times to read. This week I read through five more collections. Hangman’s AcreRead more ⟶

Tennis, 1976-style

Encouraged by Jayne Stanton’s marvellous ‘this is not about poetry’ blog post, I’m going off-piste today. Which is a stupid metaphor really as this is not about skiing, but TENNIS. I enjoy watching a bit of Wimbledon although to be honest I went off it big time during that period when all the women wereRead more ⟶

The Reading List, week 1

In the first week of my ‘read a poetry book a day’ quest I actually managed five books rather than seven, but I think that’s a pretty good start. As promised here’s a very brief roundup of my impressions, and a few notes on how the process is going generally. The books How to PourRead more ⟶