Poetry Library takes The Great Vowel Shift

OK so it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but the email from the Poetry Library says they get sent between 200 and 300 unsolicited publications every month, and my Telltale pamphlet The Great Vowel Shift has made the cut. It feels like vote of confidence. And yes, since I don’t have the might ofRead more ⟶

Launch of The Rialto 80

It rained. Part of the building had fallen off. The bar was heaving with Carphone Warehouse partygoers. But The Rialto launch last night was a small haven of poetry peace amidst the chaos. Although I got there indecently early (I had the silly idea that it was starting at 6.30) Fiona Moore made me veryRead more ⟶

Submissions, forthcoming events, pamphlet sales etc

Latest submissions news is …. no news. Or rather, another of my stupid cockups:  according to my records I’d made a submission to Lighthouse in early April, but then this week when I checked their website I noticed it said that submissions are always acknowledged with an email auto-responder. I couldn’t find one in my inbox, so then IRead more ⟶

Thomas, Plaice, Hurst reading in Hove

Yesterday was only the second sunny, (almost) balmy evening of the year, and I found myself (almost) beside the sea, amongst some magical works of art and listening to poetry at Cameron Contemporary Art Gallery in Hove. It was strong reading from Siân Thomas, Stephen Plaice and Rebecca Hurst, and a super atmosphere thanks to the efforts ofRead more ⟶

Quick Friday update – events, submissions etc

It’s been a thin year so far as regards writing, getting stuff out and accepted by magazines. I do have one excuse, which is that work has taken up a lot more of my time than usual these last 6 months. Not that I’m complaining, as my work and poetry interests continue to converge, slowlyRead more ⟶

Latest on the book, the pamphlet and more projects

I don’t suppose you’ve noticed, but I’ve been a bit quiet on here the last week or so – not for any reason other than work though. I’ve fully recovered from the mini workshop trauma of a couple of weeks ago (I typed that as one word, workshoptrauma, which made me wonder momentarily if that’sRead more ⟶

The pamphlet is here, hurrah!

Just taken delivery today of my new short pamphlet, The Great Vowel Shift. I’m very pleased with how it looks, and feeling kind of freed up to focus now on new writing. If you’re so inclined, you can buy a copy here … just £4 plus 50p postage. Bargain! And signed by the poet!! ThanksRead more ⟶

Harry Man’s ‘telesue’ from Lift

Just as I was umming and ahhing about doing a video blog post in which I would read something from Harry Man’s pamphlet ‘Lift’ (tall-lighthouse), I learn that it’s been awarded the Bridges of Struga Prize – part of the award being translation into Macedonian – golly! I’ve really enjoyed ‘Lift’ – not least ofRead more ⟶

So bad they rejected it twice

Just raising my head above the parapet to report that I’m about 20k words into my book and now at the point where I have to start printing pages off and going through everything with post-its, before I lose my many threads. It’s amazing how I can be convinced I’ve already covered something, or filedRead more ⟶

Friday update

It’s been a good week in many ways, but the not-so-good things first: a rejection from the London Magazine (not unexpected) and no new poetry writing done at all 🙁 Good things: the first of our Brighton Stanza small group workshopping sessions was on Monday, and although there were only three of showed up inRead more ⟶