At the National Poetry Competition awards night

Yesterday evening Peter Kenny and I stood in the doorway of the wood-panelled hall at the Art Workers’ Guild in London and surveyed the throng: who were all these very tall, young people? I’ve no idea who gets invited to these shebangs, but it was a mystery to me – ten years ago the eventRead more ⟶

Coming soon!

It’s suddenly all happening. The Mayday Diaries from Pindrop Press launches on 1st May (oh yeah!) and the countdown has begun! Negative thoughts: I’m reminded that I should have started thinking about promoting the book ages ago. Probably need help. Positive thoughts: The marketing cap is back on, I’m reviewing my websites and socials andRead more ⟶

Readings, giving myself a talking-to and some early Spring cleaning

Actually January was pretty good overall. Not for the pelargoniums in the garden that have been reduced to a frostbitten mess. But our goldfish Brahms and Liszt have both been spotted alive and well so the cold snaps haven’t done for them yet. Also I’ve been illness-free (write it!) and the collection is coming along.Read more ⟶

How the collection is going, and other news

People are asking me about the poetry collection forthcoming from Pindrop Press. Well, it’s a long way off yet. Sharon Black at Pindrop does a marvellous job of publishing and promoting poets, but being an editor as well as a publisher, it’s been a busy time for her. So although The Mayday Diaries is stillRead more ⟶

And there goes February flying past… 

This is not my favourite time of year I confess, although I love all the early signs of Spring – the first sunny days, the first buds, daffodils and birdsong. Just look how grand the beach looked the other day! We even had breakfast outside on Friday! But this month in particular I’ve been plaguedRead more ⟶

Currently reading, plus an anthology & a contract

It’s been a busy few weeks. Planet Poetry is two episodes into Season 4 and I’ve currently got three interviews to record before Christmas. The first is with Paul Stephenson, whose debut collection Hard Drive (Carcanet) comes with gold-plated reviews – and all well-deserved in my opinion. If this book doesn’t make the shortlists nextRead more ⟶

Midsummer update: poetry projects, novel stuff, podcast…

It’s been a busy few weeks. Today started very well by my getting the Wordle in one – third time this year! If you don’t know what Wordle is then I apologise. But a ONE is pure luck. I danced around the room – Nick probably thought I’d got a book deal. Speaking of which:Read more ⟶

What makes you buy (poetry)?

First, a little story about sales. My first ever job was as a Saturday girl in the Lilley & Skinner shoe shop on London’s Oxford Street. I remember one of my first ‘training’ sessions with the supervisor, in which he told each of us our sales targets for shoes, matching handbags and ‘sundries’ – everythingRead more ⟶

A very Lewes launch: Janet Sutherland & Jeremy Page

Somehow I managed to arrive too late for a seat at the Elephant & Castle yesterday evening (despite having a commute of approximately 30 seconds) but really enjoyed the atmosphere in the packed function room. Poets galore were joined by friends and neighbours for the joint launch of Bone Monkey by Janet Sutherland published byRead more ⟶